Prime Minister Abe Addresses Japan’s Commitment to Fighting Climate Change

In his address at the COP21 summit meeting in Paris on November 30, Prime Minister Abe called on developed and developing nations to join together to protect the earth – humankind’s only homeland – for future generation by building a new framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. COP21, as the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris is known, is the 11th meeting of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Regarding the COP21 process, the Prime Minister reiterated Japan’s commitment to steadily implementing its own ambitious contribution and adaption plan. He also expressed his desire for long-term goal-setting and a standard process for reviewing national contributions as outcomes for the Paris summit.
Additionally, the Prime Minister touched on Japan’s recent announcement on Actions for Cool Earth (ACE) 2.0, a new initiative for supporting action in developing countries and advancement of innovative technologies to address climate change. Under ACE 2.0, Japan will provide ¥1.3 trillion, the equivalent of around US$10.5 billion, in climate finance to developing nations in 2020, covering renewable energy production, resilient infrastructure, and a variety of other mitigation efforts, as well as helping these countries achieve their own commitments.  Technological innovation, the second component of ACE 2.0, will be the key for action against climate change without sacrificing economic growth, and Japan’s “Energy and Environment Innovation Strategy”, to be formulated by next spring, will identify prospective areas for strengthening research and development.
A full version of Prime Minister Abe’s speech and more information about ACE 2.0 are available at the following links:
Prime Minister’s Speech:
ACE 2.0 Summary: